25.04.14 with Kit Dunne

An unexpected fishing trip came about this week when I was out to see Kit with my eldest daughter Alyssa. She had never been on a boat before so thanks Capt. Kit for bringing us for a spin! All we were missing were the pirates…


Kit was thinking of going the next day as the weather looked good for the first recce of the season. There was no option but to say yes!

A phone call to Aidan to see if he was up for it, but unfortunately he couldn’t make this one. So I met Kit in the Harbour the next morning with John O’ Connor and set off about nine. It was a gorgeous calm day and the fish were biting from the off. Kit ‘the Fish Whisperer’ Dunne was obviously first into fish with an early start smoothound. Getting through the doggies was name of the game, and soon we were coming across a few ray which looked gorgeous in the sun.

It was a bit early for the tope  but they wont be too far away with the bigger hounds so get on to Kit at http://www.wicklowboatcharters.ie for a great days fishing.

Thanks to Kit, and John O’ Connor for the great company we had a good laugh. Can’t wait to get out again lads see you soon






About paddykeogh20

We are three anglers who enjoy all aspects of fishing. Whether we are blanking or catching were happiest on the bank or shore. If you like your fishing join us by watching our many trips and as we interview some top anglers along the way.....
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