Recent trips

For the first part of this year I had barely been fishing, so it felt good to have some boat sessions to look forward to.

The first of which was to be an evening session with Kit Dunne of

Aidan Cox, Dan O’Kelly, Mark and myself met up for a late start through the Dublin traffic in a smoothie session where we had several specimen sized fish. Kit as always used his expertise to locate the fish and keep us on them for the whole session.  

The next trip saw us heading back down to fish off Kinsale with our good friends Mick Dennehy and Pedro Walsh of

This time we were after blue shark and the day wasn’t to disappoint with many sharks coming to the boat it was great action but no biggies as Mick put us on fish after fish.

Myself, Rob, Dan and Mark had plenty of sharks, the best of which going to Dan and I had a similar sized fish that we unhooked at the side of the boat as one was already on the deck.

The following weekend Kinsale charters was booked out for Mick so Rob offered me a seat on his boat to go sharking again. I met Rob early and soon we were heading out with Hugh Cronin and his son Luke. 

We feathered up plenty of mackerel and soon we were getting a few blues. We had about fifteen between us with Rob at the helm. Rob decided to try for a porbeagle from an area that served him well last year so we upped sticks and moved to another area where after seeing a good fish come up to the dubby bag Rob got a run on the far rod resulting in this fish.

About paddykeogh20

We are three anglers who enjoy all aspects of fishing. Whether we are blanking or catching were happiest on the bank or shore. If you like your fishing join us by watching our many trips and as we interview some top anglers along the way.....
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