Bass fishing with Sid Jones

IFD: Sid Jones is one of Ireland’s top bass guides and last year was to prove to be another cracker. Here Sid fills us in on how it went and a month by month rundown on all of the action. If you would like to book a session with Sid you can find him on Facebook or his details are below
2017 was a great year for myself and my clients alike, with new techniques learned, PB’s smashed & 6 double figured bass for myself. Hard work at times but always enjoyable…
My season chasing bass on lures usually starts in April/May. Their slow metabolism keeps the bass lethargic and unwilling to chase down lures during the colder months. They will take bait freely but it’s not my preferred method of capture.
During an evening session in March while being soaked by driving wind and rain, my bass account opened with 18 small but beautiful schoolies. I was fishing a local beach using lugworm as bait on 2 hook clipped down paternoster rigs. In fact they were the only bait caught bass from the 219 that were landed during the year.
The weather plays a massive role with regards to lure fishing. Throughout 2017 we were hampered with some horrible weather. April wasn’t a good month as I struggled to find water clarity finding many of my marks were unfishable. Battling on and finally getting a couple of weather windows I thankfully got amongst some bass. I ended up with 15 bass, 5 of them over 60cm and a lovely fish in great condition weighing 7lb taken on a subsurface lure.
During May the water temperature began to rise to an appropriate level for lure fishing, coupled with decent water clarity, higher metabolism, bait fish are more abundant and the bass are hopefully feeding hard before breeding. This all makes for better fishing thus increasing the tally of catches during the month. 18 bass, 6 being over 60cm with some lovely 6lb and 7.5lb fish landed.



With the season in full swing and the water temperature at a near perfect level, the bass were finally beginning to cooperative and taking surface lures with some persuasion which is always exciting to see. Still hampered at times by the weather some road trips to Waterford and Cork were needed to find some clearer water for my clients. 20 bass landed, 11 being over 60cm some over 8lb & 9lb and the first double figure bass of the year for myself.

Graham Rooney smashing his PB 3 times in a row with some cracking bass and a double figure bass for myself, a memorable session.

July was a good month fishing wise, I was busy guiding and managed to break some more PB’s for my clients I’d some cracking fish in the low 70cm range. 25 bass landed, 16 being over 60cm and 3 double figured bass.

Aaron Moorhouse with a cracking bass and new PB

The season just kept getting better for me, I recorded 56 bass in a couple of sessions with 25 of them over 60cm and weighing up to 9lb and another double figured bass landed. I had been up and down the country with clients and fishing with some good pals. I decided to go out and enjoy some time on the shore by myself and I was busier than ever but I’m wasn’t complaining.

Keith Donnelly with a cracking bass weighing 9lb+. This was my favourite catch of the year because of the story behind it, we had a great session but the laugh we had while he landed the fish was great, the fish swam towards him then turned and stripped off 80 yards of line…

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Mother nature and a bit of bad luck hampered me during the month. The wind was blowing awkwardly so I opted for some fishing in secluded bays and estuarine areas 45 bass were landed with 18 being over 60cm 8 in the high 60 range over 7lb & 8lb and I landed my best fish of the year a 77cm beast. She was a thick set fish and gave me a great fight through a minefield of boulders. A memorable fish.
I couldn’t get out much in October and mid November usually sees the end of my bass fishing as the water temperature is quite low and bass are migrating out to deeper waters. I managed a couple of sessions in each month and landed 8 bass with 2 being in the high 60cm range. I’d one session in December having some fun with pollock.
20180108_000652but that was it for my 2017 season.

Reg O’keefe with one of his bass during a session in tough conditions, persistence and hard work paid off.

In whole it was my best year to date. For me bass fishing is not just about catching fish, it’s the watercraft involved, the constant changes you be to make to get results, it’s meeting new people, sharing experiences along the way, I get a great enjoyment putting my clients on fish and seeing them smile and knowing you’ve created memories… That’s what dose it for me !!
I’d like to thank each and every one of my clients for booking with me and all I had the pleasure to fish with. Hopefully 2018 will be as memorable.
My 2018 diary is already filling with bookings, the best and most productive dates go first so booking in advance is advised and accomodation packges are also available.
You can contact me on: 00353877734870

About paddykeogh20

We are three anglers who enjoy all aspects of fishing. Whether we are blanking or catching were happiest on the bank or shore. If you like your fishing join us by watching our many trips and as we interview some top anglers along the way.....
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